Saturday, October 3, 2009



A friend recently sent me an invite to the second Beers for Books in Osaka.

The title grabbed me, the concept swept me away, and the energy behind the spirit made me smile in giddy anticipation. For EACH drink purchased, a whole 100 yen is donated to ROOM to READ, to buy books for needy children in far away countries in Asia and Africa. Look at their impressive web page of success stories and programs here.

These small ways of volunteer quality have always made me feel good. I do the 'dollar a day' type give back for my sponsor child Senia Zulu in Zambia, through Child Fund International.

Having visited her village in 2006, the 'mini money' I give is certainly 'mighty' in ways and depths I could not have anticipated. Small steps begin a journey. Small ideas become big dreams. And small actions can become powerful answers.

Beer for Books creator, Gary Bremermann, is hoping his "idea virus" will spread and spread. His 47 Prefecture challenge in Japan is incredibly optimistic, and certainly achievable.

Why not go along to the Osaka event on October 24 from 18:30 – 21:30 at Cita Cita in Honmachi and see if you too can feel the adrenaline of feel good deed doing.

Map and access instructions can be found here.

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